Where Is My Voice?
Helena Cánovas Parés (1994*)
(UA, 2022) for recorder trio
Ensemble note:
"Starting from a common unisono, we move in this piece with different registers, moods, and instruments towards individual loops, which however transform very precisely into common gestures. There we find ourselves again on a path where the voiceflute increasingly mixes with air sound and whispering until it finds itself in our own voice.
Work description:
"The voice flute is an instrument that is rarely used in contemporary musical language and was therefore the starting point for the creation of this piece. As a composer, I am constantly searching for ideas, a voice, and a space in which to hear it. This piece stays in the process of that search and embraces its vulnerability, fragility, and chaos as part of the process."
05.10.2022 Kunst-Station St. Peter Köln
16.10.2022 Probesaal Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound recording: Sarume Media, Celia Ruiz Artacho
Cameras: Anna Tena, Miguel Vallés
Video editing: Anna Tena
This project is funded by the NEUSTART KULTUR program:
„Erhalt und Stärkung der Infrastruktur für Kultur in Deutschland – Freie Musikensembles“.